Call for Proposals

individuals standing in a futuristic library atrium with balconies of greenery and expansive windows

"Looking to the future of libraries," image generated by Canva's Magic Media, December 6, 2024.

Reshaping Information Literacy for an Uncertain Future: Sustainability, Adaptability, and Resilience

We are seeking presenters to lead engaging and interactive discussions about how librarians are adapting their teaching practices with an eye towards the future. Are we building sustainable and relevant information literacy programs that can keep pace with a rapidly changing information landscape in an increasingly uncertain world? 

In particular, we’re seeking proposals that speak to the following topics: 

We’re considering proposals in the following formats: 

The Summit is a regional conference that draws attendance from university, community college, and school librarians from Illinois and neighboring states. Sessions typically have 20-40 participants. 

The submission should include a 200-400 word description of your presentation and a brief explanation of what attendees should expect to take away from the session. Proposals for roundtable discussions should include a brief (5-7 item) bibliography of related publications and 3-5 proposed discussion questions. 

We’ll also ask for a short (approximately 50-100 word) abstract of your session to include in the conference program. If you have questions or would like to discuss your idea for a proposal, feel free to reach out to the planning committee at 

For more information about the Summit, visit

Extended Submission Deadline: Thursday, February 13, 2025